Drew Meez on the Keys

New Orleans / Nationwide

Official website of on the Keys--performer of music songs and the like.

reflections on the last few days

     Alas, I have fallen sick.  I've got the sweats, 

the poops, and the itchy throat.  Surely, somewhere some merciless goon is laughing, having passed his spiteful pathogens onto me.  No matter--I've managed to stay productive over the duration of these rather unpleasant ailments.  The wife has trained the brown dog to bring me the paper in the morning and to drag my puke-bowl out to the curb.  The smaller dog isn't as easy to train, so he is simply there for moral encouragement.  We have also hired a new assistant, Alistair, who tends to my bidding with alacrity.  In fact, I am currently dictating this web-log entry to him.  Alistair, why don't you type a little something about yourself now.

Alistair: I am honored to be working with Mister Meez. I am a worldly, knowledgeable fellow, trained in the arts and the humanities.  I am able to serve Mister Meez while discussing world affairs, language, the arts--those topics which interest Mister Meez and keep his spirits high.

Thank you, Alistair.  

Together, my inter-species team of assistants and I have accomplished much.  A brief synopsis:

  • We have suspended trade with Ukraine until conditions settle and normalize.  Our contacts in Kiev say resistance to Russian geopolitical influence is growing, and they remain cautiously optimistic.  We await US & European financial intervention.
  • We have allocated funds of various natures.
  • We have written coherent, strongly worded letters to the Orleans Parish court system expressing disdain for the jury selection process.  It is outrageous that lunch isn't provided until trial commences.
  • We have acquired and listened to many long-lost jazz albums, including Bob Neemer and the Quintessentials' "They Only Come in Blue", Earl Henry & Leslie Adams' "Up 'n at 'em, Mrs. Adams", Elroy McGlover's "NIght Chronicles: Tales from Amber Highways", and Feeblor Hathaway's "Fluorescent Shadows."  

Now, I lay here--a sickly, sweaty, sleepy man--with the brown dog who eagerly awaits the morning paper.  I can fall deep into the arms of Morpheus knowing that I have accomplished much in two days of physical incapacitation from the confines of my bed.  Thank you world.
